Using the interfaces

For now project has set of different interfaces. You can install each manually or using the extra parameters:

pip install sanic_session[aioredis]

Other supported backend keywords:

  • aioredis (dependency ‘aioredis’),

  • redis (‘asyncio_redis’),

  • mongo (‘sanic_motor’ and ‘pymongo’),

  • aiomcache (‘aiomcache’)

Redis (asyncio_redis)

Redis is a popular and widely supported key-value store. In order to interface with redis, you will need to add asyncio_redis to your project. Do so with pip:

pip install asyncio_redis or pip install sanic_session[redis]

To integrate Redis with sanic_session you need to pass a getter method into the RedisSessionInterface which returns a connection pool. This is required since there is no way to synchronously create a connection pool. An example is below:

import asyncio_redis

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import text
from sanic_session import Session, RedisSessionInterface

app = Sanic()

class Redis:
    A simple wrapper class that allows you to share a connection
    pool across your application.
    _pool = None

    async def get_redis_pool(self):
        if not self._pool:
            self._pool = await asyncio_redis.Pool.create(
                host='localhost', port=6379, poolsize=10

        return self._pool

redis = Redis()

Session(app, interface=RedisSessionInterface(redis.get_redis_pool))

async def test(request):
    # interact with the session like a normal dict
    if not request.ctx.session.get('foo'):
        request.ctx.session['foo'] = 0

    request.ctx.session['foo'] += 1

    response = text(request.ctx.session['foo'])

    return response

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8000, debug=True)

Redis (aioredis)

aioredis have little better syntax and more popular since it supported by aiohttp team.

pip install asyncio_redis or pip install sanic_session[aioredis]

This example shows little different approach. You can use classic Flask extensions approach with factory based initialization process. You can use it with different backends also.

import aioredis

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import text
from sanic_session import Session, AIORedisSessionInterface

app = Sanic(__name__, load_env=False)
# init extensions
session = Session()

async def server_init(app, loop):
    # For aioredis 1.x and older
    # app.redis = await aioredis.create_redis_pool(app.config['redis'])
    # For aioredis 2.x
    app.redis = aioredis.from_url(app.config['redis'], decode_responses=True)
    # init extensions fabrics
    session.init_app(app, interface=AIORedisSessionInterface(app.redis))

async def test(request):
    # interact with the session like a normal dict
    if not request.ctx.session.get('foo'):
        request.ctx.session['foo'] = 0

    request.ctx.session['foo'] += 1

    response = text(request.ctx.session['foo'])

    return response

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8000, debug=True)


Memcache is another popular key-value storage system. In order to interface with memcache, you will need to add aiomcache to your project. Do so with pip:

pip install aiomcache or pip install sanic_session[aiomcache]

To integrate memcache with sanic_session you need to pass an aiomcache.Client into the session interface, as follows:

import aiomcache
import uvloop

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import text
from sanic_session import Session, MemcacheSessionInterface

app = Sanic()

# create a uvloop to pass into the memcache client and sanic
loop = uvloop.new_event_loop()

# create a memcache client
client = aiomcache.Client("", 11211, loop=loop)

# pass the memcache client into the session
session = Session(app, interface=MemcacheSessionInterface(client))

async def test(request):
    # interact with the session like a normal dict
    if not request.ctx.session.get('foo'):
        request.ctx.session['foo'] = 0

    request.ctx.session['foo'] += 1

    response = text(request.ctx.session['foo'])

    return response

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8000, debug=True, loop=loop)


sanic_session comes with an in-memory interface which stores sessions in a Python dictionary available at session_interface.session_store. This interface is meant for testing and development purposes only. This interface is not suitable for production.

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import text
from sanic_session import Session

app = Sanic()

Session(app)  # because InMemorySessionInterface used by default

# of full syntax:
#   from sanic_session import InMemorySessionInterface
#   session = Session(app, interface=InMemorySessionInterface())

async def index(request):
    # interact with the session like a normal dict
    if not request.ctx.session.get('foo'):
        request.ctx.session['foo'] = 0

    request.ctx.session['foo'] += 1

    return text(request.ctx.session['foo'])

if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8000, debug=True)